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FAA68000049:   UNS-1Fw FMS

FAA68000049 Active
COURSE 2009-03-25
Course Description: Operator differences training is required for UNS-1Fw and AFIS Upgrades to the CL-601 and LR-60 fleet. This training will consist of ground and flight training to be conducted by qualified CL-601 and LR-60 instructors. All CL-601 and LR-60 pilots are required to complete this training prior to their next itinerary or in conjunction with their next itinerary if accompanied by a qualified instructor. The critical training objective is to provide pilots with complete understanding and confidence to execute an IMC WAAS/LPV approach and missed approach. This training will provide trainees with (1) Knowledge of aircraft publications changes as a result of two new STCs, i.e. 4040.21 requirements (2) Operational application of Normal Procedure differences with the UNS-Fw to include navigation approvals, synchronization vs. independent mode, and GPS/WAAS approaches (3) Understanding of new CAUTIONs and WARNINGs associated with UNS-1Fw operation and (4) Understanding of equipment removal, equipment additions, and procedural differences as a result of the AFIS Upgrade STC


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322