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FAA67000004:   SRMTS General User Training ( In-Person)

FAA67000004 Cancelled
SRMTS General User Training ( In-Person)
COURSE 2010-07-22
INACTIVE. The Safety Risk Management Tracking System General User Training Course is intended for ATO Safety Professionals who are responsible for tracking, assessing and/or documenting NAS Changes and their associated risk. The Safety Risk Management Tracking System is a comprehensive tool for the tracking SRM and Safety Assurance efforts through documenting the NAS Changes and their associated hazards and the tracking of their performance and residual risk level. SRMTS will track SRM projects, associated hazards, and their mitigations while providing users with the capability of completing Safety Analysis and monitoring templates within the system. The end result will be to: Improve SRM tracking of efforts, hazards, and risk; Provide a centralized document repository for SRM documentation; Automate hazard analysis and monitoring documentation templates; Improve efficiency of the application of SRM; Audit monitoring and tracking requirements Improve reporting capabilities to better provide risk trending data
ILT 4.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322