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FAA76006:   (76006) FLETC - Critical Infrastructure Protection Training Program (CIPTP)

FAA76006 Active
(76006) FLETC - Critical Infrastructure Protection Training Program (CIPTP)
COURSE 2004-01-20
This program is designed for the Security Manager, Senior Security Specialist, or individuals having responsibility for the protection of critical infrastructure essential to national security, their departments or within their jurisdictions. This includes both the physical- and cyber-based systems for critical infrastructure and key assets. This course will equip the student to better understand how to protect the infrastructures critical to their mission. The course will cover a range of topics and use a ""broad brush approach"" to the subject matter. Critical Infrastructure Protection is a hot topic and will continue to demand our attention in the future as well. Protecting our critical infrastructure and ensuring public confidence is paramount for national stability. This course will also serve as a network of contacts for future reference since everyone has professional experiences that may assist you with your current or future needs.
ILT 32.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322