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FAA76000024:   (76000024) FLETC - Case Organization & Presentation Training Program (COPTP)

FAA76000024 Active
(76000024) FLETC - Case Organization & Presentation Training Program (COPTP)
COURSE 2017-12-06
The Case Organization & Presentation Training Program (COPTP) is designed to teach investigators and others how to organize complex and document intensive cases, utilizing various computer software programs. The goal of this program is to provide students with the ability to identify and select the case organizational tools best suited for their particular needs and to be skillful in successfully presenting their findings in an effective and professional manner. Incredible strides have been made which allow the investigator to collect, store and retrieve information and evidence electronically through the use of specialized computer applications originally designed for the business community. This same digitized data can be used to create visually informative records and charts for use in investigative team briefings and/or presentations to a prosecutor or jury.
ILT 68.0


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U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

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Washington, DC 20591

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