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FAA78300004:   (78300004) (AMA) Making the Transition to Management

FAA78300004 Cancelled
(78300004) (AMA) Making the Transition to Management
SEMINAR 2010-11-17
Vendor: American Management Association The American Management Association (AMA) presents Making the Transition to Management. Your former peers are now your direct reports. Your goal is to get the work done and increase productivity with your team. You want to set mutual goals, reward good performance and give poor performers the needed feedback. Do yo know how to be 'the boss'? This basic management seminar provides you with easy-to-apply tools needed to make a sucessful transition into your new role. In just two days you will master the practical basic management know-how-and the confidence you want-to plan, organize, coach, motivate, delegate and communicate in order to be an effective new manager.
OAT 16.0


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