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FAA78000014:   (78000014) Storyline 2 Expert

FAA78000014 Cancelled
(78000014) Storyline 2 Expert
COURSE 2015-09-17
Vendor: Articulate. Website: Email: or Articulate Storyline 360 Basic + Advanced course Basic Storyline is a 2-day in-classroom training provides everything you need to begin building highly-interactive e-learning modules with Storyline that can be published and delivered to meet a variety of needs and play on a variety of devices. Advanced Storyline is a full-day in-classroom training is designed for those who have already attended the 2-day Basic Articulate Storyline training, or have mastered those skills. In the Advanced training, well explore even more options to help take your courses to the next level. We teach a practical approach for using Conditional Triggers and Variables to help design complex learning modules. Youll also get to experiment with creative interactions using dials and sliders, and explore the use of motion and shape intersection triggers, that make motion paths the perfect tool for unique presentations and gaming.
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U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322