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FAA77800010:   (77800010) Crime Prevention and the Basics of Physical Security

FAA77800010 Active
(77800010) Crime Prevention and the Basics of Physical Security
COURSE 2010-01-11
The Crime Prevention and the Basics of Physical Security course provides a foundation that will enable participants to understand risk management; the classifications of risk; techniques for dealing with risk; developing an effective asset protection program; crime, policing and crime prevention; crime prevention techniques for homes and businesses; security systems, processes and procedures and effective security system integration. Crime Prevention and the Basics of Physical Security is designed to educate individuals in the steps necessary to ""harden"" target in order to protect people, property and facilities. Participants will receive hands-on experience in conducting an on-site physical security assessment and how to make recommendations to address security vulnerabilities. Activities in this seminar extend beyond that of the traditional classroom experience. Participants will receive hands-on experience conducting an on-site physical security assessment and will have the opportunity to communicate assessment results orally with cost-effective recommendations.
ILT 32.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322