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FAA96329:   HR/AVSED Outreach Counselor Training

FAA96329 Cancelled
HR/AVSED Outreach Counselor Training
WORKSHOP 2007-05-16
AHR has partnered with AVSED Outreach Program to develop a unique joint Outreach Recruitment and Counselor briefing. The length of the brief is dependent upon the participants interest in participating in HR job fairs and recruitment opportunities, AVSED Outreach Counselor training, or both. The briefing is designed to prepare employees to assist in representing the agency during career fairs, other public outreach events and aviation education programs. Employees will receive an overall understanding of national and local education outreach activities, FAA hiring practices, programs and career opportunities. Volunteers will receive HR and AVSED materials in support of public outreach. For those employees that are only interested in participating in career fairs and other outreach events the session will end at noon. This briefing will assist FAA in educating the general public about our mission and responsibilities as well as marketing the agencys aviation career opportunities. This initiative supports the agencys Flight Plan goals under Organizational Excellence as well as each line of business and staff offices FY07 Business Plan requirement to provide support for the agencys Aviation and Space Education Outreach Program.
AAL-17 AAL-17


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322