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FAA21960009:   (21960009) AFS SW Region - 135 Surveillance Evaluation Program (SEP)

FAA21960009 Cancelled
(21960009) AFS SW Region - 135 Surveillance Evaluation Program (SEP)
BRIEFING 2010-06-30
In support of the Agency mandate to use a risk-based surveillance system, the FAA has developed the Surveillance Evaluation Program (SEP). Managers and supervisors must ensure that all principal inspectors, who are assigned to Part 135 operators, are trained and utilize SEP to conduct a risk and/or safety assessment to set a baseline upon which to develop their surveillance plans. All SW Region FSDOs with Part 135 operators will plan their annual surveillance program utilizing SPAS-based SEP data packages to identify and analyze risk. Work programs shall be developed in accordance with the SEP guidelines for FY-2011. The briefing will take two days, and will focus on all of the tools available to you in the SEP process. POC: Donna S. Nickason, (817) 222-5200
ASW-200 ASW-200


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

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