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FAA22000059:   (22000059) ODA Seminar - Manufacturing

FAA22000059 Cancelled
(22000059) ODA Seminar - Manufacturing
SEMINAR 2012-12-11
INACTIVE. This course is being inactivated because the content is obsolete. The ODA Seminar - Manufacturing has been eliminated as a separate requirement. Information previously offered in the ODA Seminar - Manufacturing will now be included in the Recurrent General Training Overview course. The ODA Seminar - Manufacturing has been replaced with (27200162) 2021 Engineering Designee Recurrent General Training Overview and provides information about the changes in the Engineering Designee Training Program. NOTE: FAA27200136-ODA Recurrent General WBTis offered in 2020and 2021in place of the in-person ODA Seminars: (22000057) ODA Seminar - Engineering, (22000058) ODA Seminar - Maintenance, and (22000059) ODA Seminar - Manufacturing.It is currently available through December 2021. Seminar attendance is required by FAA Order 8100.15 for ODA administrators and for FAA personnel who manage delegated organizations. This recurrent seminar is a means to communicate various issues associated with delegated organizations, including updated policy information, and to establish performance requirements for both FAA and delegated organizations. The ODA seminar is held twice yearly. It consists of general topics, as well as technical topics in three specific areas: Engineering, Manufacturing, and Maintenance. OMT leads enroll in the appropriate course according to their specialty and will break into the specialized groups following the general topic discussions. The seminar is held over two days. Day one is attended by FAA OMT leads only. On the second day, the FAA attendees are joined by ODA administrators for discussions relevant to both FAA and industry. Target audience: FAA ODA OMT Leads. Prerequisite: None
AIR-940 AIR-940
ILT 16.0


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Federal Aviation Administration

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Washington, DC 20591

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