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FAA22000047:   (22000047) Superalloys for Heavy Duty & Aircraft Type Gas Turbines

FAA22000047 Cancelled
(22000047) Superalloys for Heavy Duty & Aircraft Type Gas Turbines
COURSE 2011-03-24
INACTIVE. Superalloys is a 4-day course providing a basic level of knowledge on the metallurgy, manufacturing, mechanical, and surface behavior of gas turbine hot-section alloys and components. Emphasis is on the history, development, and present understanding of these alloys and their processing into useful components. Also, turbine degradation modes and their effects upon operational life and subsequent repairability options are presented in detail. Audience: Propulsion Engineers; Vendor: BWD Turbines Ltd, Walnut Creek, CA. One time contract course - INACTIVE as of 12/12/2013.
AIR-520 AVS-1
OAT 32.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322