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FAA27022:   (27022) Data Evaluation Program Managers (DEPM)

FAA27022 Cancelled
(27022) Data Evaluation Program Managers (DEPM)
COURSE 2005-11-25
Please recognize this training course reflects the subject matter and material for ATOS version 1.1 (not the current ATOS version 1.2). This course is currently ""under revision"" and is expected to be available in eLMS sometime in the spring of 2009. ********************************************************** This web course is designed for ATOS Data Evaluation Program Managers (DEPM) and the DEPM backup. The course will prepare DEPMs to review and evaluate inspection records submitted by ATOS inspectors for validity, accuracy, technical relevance, and completeness prior to its release to the ATOS Data Repository. The course consists of these topics: the DEPMs Role, DEPM ATOS Functions, Data Quality, Evaluation Process, Communications, Conflict Management for DEPMs and a course test. ***
AFS-900 AMA-200
WBT 5.0
1 04/30/2010


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322