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FAA27100037:   (27100037) AFS QMS Website Tour

FAA27100037 Cancelled
(27100037) AFS QMS Website Tour
BRIEFING 2007-11-28
The AFS QMS Website Tour is designed to familiarize AFS personnel with the information, resources, and tools available within the Quality Management System (QMS). Completion of this briefing will provide AFS personnel improved knowledge of the web-based QMS. It will provide personnel the ability to access the web-based QMS in order to allow participation in the continuous improvement of AFS processes using available databases.
AFS-500 AMA-200
WBT 0.5


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322