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FAA27100143:   (27100143) (ATN) Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)

FAA27100143 Cancelled
(27100143) (ATN) Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)
BRIEFING 2010-03-17
This follow-on to the introductory briefing offered in January, (FAA27100063) Introduction to Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) for Aviation Safety (AVS), will provide AVS personnel with additional information on rulemaking, certification, installation, and operational approval of ADS-B avionics.
AFS-200 AMA-200
IVT 3.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

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