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FAA27100242:   (27100242) Compliance Philosophy Differences Briefing

FAA27100242 Cancelled
(27100242) Compliance Philosophy Differences Briefing
BRIEFING 2015-05-11
The purpose of this briefing is to provide training to the AFS workforce on the content in the FAA Compliance Philosophy Order (FAA8000.373), revised Order 2150.3, and related AFS policy in the AFS-1 Notice 8900.COMPL, Notice 8900.RT, and Order 8900.1. The primary objective is to bridge the knowledge gap that will exist among the impacted workforce familiar with the previous policy and guidance, superseded by the above cited Orders and Notices. The briefing will bridge the gap by providing differences training so the impacted workforce will be able to apply the knowledge and skills from the new guidance and policies in accomplishing compliance and enforcement actions.
AFS-200 AMA-200
WBT 2.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322