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FAA27100246:   (27100246) DME Test Generator Briefing

FAA27100246 Cancelled
(27100246) DME Test Generator Briefing
BRIEFING 2015-05-20
**The DRS Mechanic Test Generator course is not an active course. The course was designed for when the test generator first came out. That course is at least 5 years outdated. We provide training in the Initial DME course over the MTG.** This briefing is for ASIs who oversee DMEs and is also available on Blackboard (Bb) for DMEs. It teaches ASIs and DMEs how to generate test questions for examinations. ASIs who oversee DMEs will take this eLMS briefing to ensure DMEs are using the tool correctly and administering the tests accurately.
AFS-600 AMA-200
WBT 1.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322