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FAA27100323:   (27100323) SAS for 14 CFR Part 121 PIs, TCPMs, and Managers vILT

FAA27100323 Cancelled
(27100323) SAS for 14 CFR Part 121 PIs, TCPMs, and Managers vILT
BB-ILT 2020-08-12
This virtual instructor-led course is for Front Line Managers, Office Managers, Principal Inspectors - including Supervisory and Assistant PIs, who manage 14 CFR Part 121 certificates, and who have completed the 21000125 or 27100321 Practical Application of SAS Fundamentals course. This course focuses on the knowledge and skills required for PIs and Managers to effectively use SAS. The main topics in this training include the five SAS modules, weaving in the themes of risk management and the compliance program, with a heavy emphasis on the business processes and real- world application of SAS automation. This is virtual version of, and is equivalent to the 21000127 course..
AFS-900 AMA-250
BB-ILT 55.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322