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FAA27100360:   (27100360) Part 135 Prerequisite Foundation for GA Operations

FAA27100360 Active
(27100360) Part 135 Prerequisite Foundation for GA Operations
BB-ILT 2023-05-12
This course provides aviation safety inspectors (ASIs) with foundational information about regulatory requirements, responsibilities, and resources for 14 CFR part 135 certification, approval, and oversight. Topics include the statutory and regulatory basis for certification and oversight of part 135 operations; roles and responsibilities for part 135 certification, inspection, and oversight; and terminology associated with types of certificates and kinds of operations. The course is approximately 23 hours and scheduled across multiple days. It consists of both WBT like content completed individually in Blackboard, and virtual live class sessions scheduled by the instructor.
AFS-200 AMA-230
BB-ILT 23.0


Scheduled Offerings / Classes in FY-25

Class Number Start Date End Date FY Status Location Phone Number
189265 2025-09-22 2025-09-26 25 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
189266 2025-10-20 2025-10-24 25 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
189267 2025-12-01 2025-12-05 25 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
189268 2026-01-12 2026-01-16 25 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
189269 2026-03-02 2026-03-06 25 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
189270 2026-04-27 2026-05-01 25 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
189271 2026-06-01 2026-06-05 25 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
189272 2026-07-06 2026-07-10 25 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344

Scheduled Offerings / Classes in FY-24

Class Number Start Date End Date FY Status Location Phone Number
184078 2024-05-06 2024-05-10 24 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
184124 2024-06-03 2024-06-07 24 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
184130 2024-09-16 2024-09-20 24 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
184131 2024-10-21 2024-10-25 24 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
184132 2024-12-02 2024-12-06 24 ACTIVE WCT 405-954-6344
D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322