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FAA27200019:   (27200019) Fundamentals of Risk Analysis

FAA27200019 Cancelled
(27200019) Fundamentals of Risk Analysis
COURSE 2010-04-15
TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE while it is being transferred to BlackBoard. This course will describe the importance of quantitative risk analysis and identify the types of risk used in the MSAD process. The participant will learn to understand how to calculate risk values for MSAD and know where to collect data for risk analyses. Topics coered are: Discuss the value of Quantitative vs. Qualitative Risk; Identify and differentiate the risk measures used in MSAD; Identify the difference between fleet risk and individual risk; Identify the difference between infant mortality, constant rate (random) and wear-out life distributions; Recognize the process for calculating risk of random failures; Recognize the process for calculating risk of wear-out failures; dentify how to calculate a control program; Identify where to get data for analyses. AUDIENCE: This course is position essential for AIR ASEs.
AIR-520 AIR-520
WBT 3.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322