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FAA27200043:   (27200043) Electrical: Systems Aspects of Certification

FAA27200043 Cancelled
(27200043) Electrical: Systems Aspects of Certification
BB-WBT 2019-03-19
This course provides an overview of these systems aspects of certification and how a development assurance process and can be applied to a highly integrated and complex system of systems and its associated guidance. Audience: DERs, ODA Engineering UMs, FAA DER advisors and engineering and flight test OMT members. Length: 1 hour. FAA employees may search and self-enroll in eLMS. Enrollment instructions for DER applicants: go to Hover over Student and Click on View Class Schedules. Select the category. Select Designee and Delegated Organization Training and scroll down to select your discipline.
AIR-100 AIR-100
BB-WBT 1.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322