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FAA27200051:   (27200051) Structures: Finite Element Modeling and Analysis Validation

FAA27200051 Cancelled
(27200051) Structures: Finite Element Modeling and Analysis Validation
COURSE 2012-10-11
INACTIVE. This course provides a video presentation on Finite Element Modeling and Analysis Validation, by Patrick Safarian. He will discuss the following topics: Validation Requirements; Acceptable Methods; Explicit Solvers; Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Processes and Examples; Planning for FEA ; Early Validation of FEA; Validation of FEA as Part of Certification Plan; Validation of FEA by Test; Acknowledgements; Appendices 1 & 2. Item Goals: At the end of this course you will: Be familiar with key areas of composite guidance in AC 20-107B; Understand policy for NCAMP data and limits for using it in design; Be aware of the new content in CMH-17 (Rev G to Vol. 1 to 3 and 1st Vol. 6); Know the status of FAA safety awareness course developments; Be aware of future composite initiatives. AUDIENCE: Engineering Designees & FAA Advisors. This course expired January 31, 2014.
AIR-100 AIR-100
WBT 1.5


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U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

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