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FAA27200088:   (27200088) ODA Oversight: OMT Lead

FAA27200088 Active
(27200088) ODA Oversight: OMT Lead
BB-WBT 2013-11-27
This course is designed to help the OMT Lead plan, lead and follow through to the close-out of corrective action during ODA Oversight activities. This interactive course looks at leading a process-oriented oversight team and the communication and leadership skills pertinent to leading OMT Teams. Target Audience(s): Anyone leading an ODA oversight activity. Prerequisite: ODA Oversight: OMT Member
AIR-940 AIR-940
BB-WBT 1.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322