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FAA27200113:   (27200113) Powerplant: Turbine Engine Endurance Test

FAA27200113 Cancelled
(27200113) Powerplant: Turbine Engine Endurance Test
BB-WBT 2017-09-04
This course explains the requirements, common challenges in running the endurance test, and specific topics related to the endurance test of 33.87 regulation. It also provides an overview of the regulation and guidance and discusses endurance test compliance challenges and solutions, the initiative to revise the regulation and guidance, and other selected topics. GOALS: At the end of this course, the participant should be able to: Define the endurance test requirements of 33.87; Define the endurance test related requirements of 33.84, 33.85, 33.93, and 33.99; Identify the methods of compliance provided in Advisory Circular (AC) 33.87-1A; Identify the single challenge most cited by applicants during the endurance test; Explain the changes to test sequence as allowed by 33.87(a)(1); Define when running multiple tests is allowed by 33.87(a)(3); Identify when penalty runs are required by 33.99(b); Explain the initiative to revise the regulation and guidance; Define the 33.87(a)(6)(ii) requirements for running the accessory drive loads test on a separate rig; Define the 33.87(a)(7) and (a)(8) guidance on gas temperature transients and stabilization; Define Equivalent Level of Safety (ELOS); Identify the endurance test for engine ratings previously approved by special conditions. Audience: DER Applicants, ODA UM Candidates; Length: 1.5 hour
AIR-100 AIR-100
BB-WBT 1.5


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322