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FAA30200801:   (30200801) FY13 Veteran Employment Training for Federal Hiring Managers

FAA30200801 Cancelled
(30200801) FY13 Veteran Employment Training for Federal Hiring Managers
COURSE 2013-08-21
This course is for hiring managers working for the Federal government. It will familiarize participants with Veterans' employment and how it is beneficial to all parties involved: managers, the agency, and Veterans seeking Federal employment. This course also explains how certain special appointing authorities can be used to increase the number of Veterans in the workplace and to expedite the hiring process. This course contains three sections, an informal pretest called What Do You Already Know About Veteran Employment in the Federal Workforce?, the training portion called Veteran Employment Training for Federal Human Resource Professionals, and an informal posttest called What Have You Learned About Veteran Employment in the Federal Workforce? A glossary, list of resources, and a course navigation help page are provided. This course satisfies the requirement of EO 13518 section 3 (c), which mandates that agencies provide mandatory annual to agency human resources personnel and hiring managers concerning veterans employment. This item provide .50 (30 minutes) of credit towards FAA's continuing management education (CME) requirment for managers
WBT 0.5


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322