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FAA30200915:   (30200915) Strategic Management of Regulatory and Enforcement Agencies

FAA30200915 Cancelled
(30200915) Strategic Management of Regulatory and Enforcement Agencies
COURSE 2012-08-14
Vendor: Harvard Kennedy School / Executive Education, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, Phone # 617-496-0484; Fax # 617-495-3090; Email:; Web address:http://ksgexecprogram.harvard.eduStrategic Management of Regulatory and Enforcement Agencies (SMREA) examines the distinctive strategic and managerial challenges that surround government agencies regulatory and enforcement functions, focusing on issues of social regulation (thecontrol of risks to society) rather than economic regulation (the control of markets). This course explores the operations and management of regulatory andenforcement agencies rather than the reform of law. What does it mean to adopt a risk-based approach to regulatory policy? What is the full range of tools available to regulatory policymakers to identify and control risks? What are the difficulties of performance measurement in the regulatory domain? How can policymakers develop effective collaborative partnerships with diverse stakeholder groups? The course will examine some of the current prescriptions for reform (such as customer service orientation and process improvement) in light of the unique task that regulatory agencies face. We will also focus on the distinctive character of the risk-control task, and pressures for regulators to prove their worth and effectiveness.WHO SHOULD APPLYStrategic Management of Regulatory and Enforcement Agencies (SMREA) is specifically designed for senior federal, state, and municipal policymakers and enforcement officials in the U.S. and the international community who oversee, support, or run organizations that have significant regulatory or enforcement components. Participants in the program come from a broad range of regulatory fields such as taxation, environmental regulation, customs, and occupational safety. Their functional responsibilities typically include such areas as legal, budgeting, and operations. All share an interest in expanding
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