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FAA30202815:   (30202815) COVID-19 and Discipline Issues: Addressing Adverse Actions During the Pandemic

FAA30202815 Active
(30202815) COVID-19 and Discipline Issues: Addressing Adverse Actions During the Pandemic
BRIEFING 2021-08-27
As your agency continually adjusts to the evolving workplace environment created by the pandemic, one thing remains constant: You must take action when employees commit misconduct. But how does the current environment change the standard for disciplinary actions? And how do the Douglas factors apply in COVID-19 situations? Get the answers in this interactive webinar with noted federal employment law expert and popular trainer, Robert Erbe. From leave abuse to exceptions to the ""obey now, grieve later"" concept, you will get up-to-date practical guidance to address disciplinary issues during the pandemic with a focus on evaluating each disciplinary action under the ""efficiency of the service"" standard so your agency makes defensible decisions.
WCT 1.5


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Federal Aviation Administration

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