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FAA47112041:   (47112041) ACEPS II PHASE 1 REFRESHER

FAA47112041 Active
BB-ILT 2023-02-14
This FAA Academy Instructor Led Training (ILT) course provides refresher training to Technical Operations Technicians, Engineers, and Specialists who hold current certification authority on CPDS, ACEPS II and/or those who have completed the prerequisites. This course is 24 hours of Academy Lecture, 120 hours Academy Laboratory Exercises and troubleshooting with minimal subject matter introduction and theory of operation. Laboratory subjects include: Safety, System Overview, 125Vdc control power system, 125Vdc Hindle Battery Charger Maintenance, PCMS Network SCADA Schematics, PCMS SCADA Operations, PCMS Network SCADA Troubleshooting, Square D PZ4 switchgear assemblies, QED Switchboards, NW &RL Circuit Breakers, Micrologic Trip Units, Protective Relays, NW Breaker Periodic Maintenance, Switchgear/Breaker Troubleshooting, AT Controller Operations, Tie-Breaker Operation Demonstration, Eaton XCP Service Software Tool, Eaton 9395 UPS &UPM Operation, 9395 UPS Component Identification, 9395 UPS Voltage Sensing, 9395 UPS Periodic Maintenance, 9395 Removal &Replacement, Eaton Sync Controller Operation, Eaton SCADA Operation, Eaton 9395 UPS Troubleshooting, L3 480V/600A Controls &Indicators, L3 STS Operations, L3 STS Voltage Sensing, L3 STS Periodic &Corrective Maintenance, L3 STS Troubleshooting, ACEPS II System Operation and Emergency Restoration.
AJI-2300 AMA-424
BB-ILT 144.0


Scheduled Offerings / Classes in FY-24

Class Number Start Date End Date FY Status Location Phone Number
189436 2024-01-04 2024-01-29 24 ACTIVE OKC 405-954-1045
D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322