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FAA49460002:   (49460002) Technical Operations Safety Stand Down, Fall 2011

FAA49460002 Cancelled
(49460002) Technical Operations Safety Stand Down, Fall 2011
BRIEFING 2011-10-13
The Technical Operations Safety Stand Down will foster a dialogue on the importance of employee safety at every level of the organization and will serve as a foundation for promoting safety awareness and developing a thriving safety culture within Technical Operations Services. This number is used to document the attendance and participation of four to six hours of safety briefings during the ATO Technical Operations Safety Stand Down, Spring 2011. During this time period, Technical Operations Front Line Managers will schedule and lead sessions utilizing prepared video(s) and presentations that allow impromptu discussions with their employees regarding the Technical Operations Services safety culture, their roles in supporting and strengthening the culture, and identifying work habits that are conducive to establishing and maintaining a safe work environment. Topics of discussion will include one or more of the following: Electrical Safety, Equipment and Tool Safety, Fall Protection, Workforce Fatigue and Performance, Fire Protection, Hazard Communications, Lockout-Tagout, Motor Vehicle Safety, Occupant Emergency Preparedness, Office Safety, Pre-Construction Safety, and Walking-Working Surfaces.


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322