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FAA57155010:   (57155010) ARTCC STMC and TMC Route Loadability Briefing (Data Comm)

FAA57155010 Active
(57155010) ARTCC STMC and TMC Route Loadability Briefing (Data Comm)
BRIEFING 2020-01-16
Mandatory briefing item for Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) Traffic Management Coordinators (TMC) and Supervisory Traffic Management Coordinators (STMC). Briefing provides the ARTCC Traffic Management Units with an overview of the route requirements to successfully create an uplinkable and loadable route that conforms to the requirements of the NAS and to the aircraft Flight Management System. Reviews how non conformance negatively impacts Tower and ARTCC operations.
AJI-2000 AJI-2000
WBT 1.0


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Federal Aviation Administration

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