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FAA60000423:   (60000423) Lead the Change Module 3: Mental Models, Biases, & Reframing

FAA60000423 Active
(60000423) Lead the Change Module 3: Mental Models, Biases, & Reframing
WORKSHOP 2020-05-06
Module 3: Mental Models, Biases, & Reframing While both interpersonal and conceptual competencies are recognized as becoming increasingly important as individuals progress to levels of more responsibility, this module focuses solely on conceptual skills. Specifically, this session introduces several concepts that tend to influence and hinder leaders and managers capacity to make sense of their environment, problem solve, and make decisions. These include mental models, biases, and an ability to re-frame ones perspective in order to generate alternative solution sets. The basic concepts are reviewed using numerous examples and exercises, concluding with additional tools that can be used to motivate and inspire others.


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322