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FAA15300063:   (15300063) Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Construction Criteria (Automated)

FAA15300063 Cancelled
(15300063) Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Construction Criteria (Automated)
COURSE 2007-07-20
This course will provide a basic understanding of required navigation performance (RNP), RNP special aircraft and aircrew authorization required (SAAAR) concepts and construction using FAA Order 8260.52, U.S. Standard for Rnp Approach Procedures With Special Aircraft & Aircrew Authorization Required. This training will present the terminology, criteria, and methods of developing RNP SAAAR approach procedures using the IAPA software program. The course includes lectures and laboratory exercises to practice the application of the many new design concepts and to reinforce the lessons learned. This course is intended for the advanced procedure design specialist.
AJW-3 AMA-800
ILT 64.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322