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FAA12036:   (12036) CRM Recurrent for General Aviation & 135 Air Carrier Inspectors/Pilots

FAA12036 Active
(12036) CRM Recurrent for General Aviation & 135 Air Carrier Inspectors/Pilots
COURSE 2005-09-20
This course provides participants with advanced instruction in CRM, and reinforcement in decision making, effective communication, situation awareness, and interpersonal skills in accordance with the standards outlined in AC 120-51, Crew Resource Management Training. The course provides crew members with an opportunity to review skills and behavior patterns learned in Initial CRM, and examine the variables that influence individual and crew performance. The practical exercise portion of the course uses small multi-engine flight simulation training devices typically found in 14CFR 141 and 135 Operations. Course replaces 12063 for GA (14 CFR 141 & 135 air carrier)-assigned inspectors/pilots as of FY06 and satisfies FAA Order 4040.9 CRM recurrent training requirements. Delivers AFS developed materials and lessons. Work assignment is determining factor for course selection. Target Audience incudes flight program participants assigned to AFS EBC or AFS Semiannual Sub-Program. Prerequisites: Any one of the following: 12062, 12063, 12064, 12067, 12070 or 83226. Equivalent Courses: 12065 = 12068 = 12069
AFS-200 AMA-230


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322