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FAA21000308:   (21000308) SAS Fundamentals - Practical Application Workshop 2

FAA21000308 Cancelled
(21000308) SAS Fundamentals - Practical Application Workshop 2
COURSE 2025-02-11
This instructor-led course is the ninth of nine component courses that make up the SAS Fundamentals Curriculum. You must complete all nine courses to register completion for the Curriculum. The course is part of the New Hire ASI Indoctrination curriculum string. The SAS Fundamentals Curriculum is also offered on an ad-hoc basis to beginner SAS users. The component courses are a blend of vILT, practical application workshop instructor-led training, and self-paced web-based training. This instructor-led practical application workshop course provides an opportunity for you to apply the knowledge and understanding you have gained through scenario-based exercises in SAS automation with an emphasis on Data Collection.
AFS-900 AMA-250
ILT 24.0


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322