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FAA21017:   (21017) Core Job Functions - Skills for Success

FAA21017 Cancelled
(21017) Core Job Functions - Skills for Success
COURSE 2004-01-25
INACTIVE. This course enhances the non-technical skills of inspectors, engineers, flight-test pilots and staff. It covers communication, listening, writing, workload, conflict management, and presentation. The course consists of a distance learning (DL) segment covering the preparation of briefings, which will take 12-15 hours to complete, and a 32 hour resident portion to cover the remainder. This DL has a schedule that should be closely followed, as it involves feedback between learners and a live instructor, who guides the learners through the training. The DL training covers a two week period that normally ends 10 calendar days prior to the start of the resident portion of the training. Familiarity with Microsoft PowerPoint is beneficial to the learner prior to starting this DL. The DL must be completed to allow attendance at the resident portion of the course. Prerequisites: 21660, 21604, 21600 OR, 21936 AND 27936. POC: FAA Academy, Aircraft Certification Branch AMA-220 at (405)954-4534
AIR-510 AMA-220
14 05/25/2011


D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

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