Total 326 records found
Course Number | Course Title | Training Type | Status | Content Owner | Training Org | Delivery Method |
FAA12067 | (12067) CRM Training in Lieu of CRM (Initial) | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | ASW-209 | ILT |
FAA12068 | (12068) CRM Training in Lieu of CRM (Recurrent) | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | ASW-209 | ILT |
FAA12069 | (12069) Crew Resource Management (Recurrent) (Equivalent) | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | ASW-209 | ILT |
FAA12070 | (12070) Crew Resource Management (Initial) (Equivalent) | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | ASW-209 | ILT |
FAA18803 | (18803) TECHNICALLY ADVANCED AIRCRAFT (TAA) | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA20000020 | (20000020) AVS Hearing Conservation Standard Threshold Shift (STS) | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | ILT |
FAA20000084 | (20000084) Fall Protection: Train-the-Trainer | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | ILT |
FAA20000085 | (20000085) Fall Protection: User | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | ILT |
FAA20000086 | (20000086) Fall Protection: Program Requirements | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | ILT |
FAA20000099 | Aircraft Accident Investigation Safety (AAIS) - Program Administrator | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-1 | ILT |
FAA20000100 | (20000100) AVS Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Program - Program Administrator | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-1 | ILT |
FAA20000101 | (200000101) Aircraft Accident Investigation Safety (AAIS) - User | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-1 | ILT |
FAA20000102 | (20000102) AVS Bloodborne Pathogen Program - Trainer | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-1 | ILT |
FAA20000103 | (20000103) Aircraft Accident Investigation Safety (AAIS) - Trainer | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-1 | ILT |
FAA20000104 | (200000104) AVS Bloodborne Pathogen Program - User | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-1 | ILT |
FAA20000105 | (20000105) AVS OSH POC Program Overview | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | ILT |
FAA20000112 | (20000112) Aviation Safety (AVS) Hearing Conservation Program - User | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | WCT |
FAA20000113 | (20000113) Aviation Safety (AVS) Hearing Conservation and PPE Demonstration | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | WCT |
FAA20000114 | (20000114) Flight Standards Service (FS) Emergency Action (EAP)and Fire Prevention Plan (FPP) Annual | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | WCT |
FAA20000115 | (20000115) Aviation Safety (AVS) Site-Specific Hazard Communication (HazCom) Review | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | ILT |
FAA20000118 | (20000118) AVS Annual Respirator Fit Test and Use | COURSE | Active | AQS-500 | AFS-100 | ILT |
FAA20000119 | (20000119) AVS Annual Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) Use and Inspection | COURSE | Active | AQS-500 | AFS-100 | ILT |
FAA20000122 | (20000122) Flight Standards Fall Protection Program (FPP) Trainer Refresher Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | WCT |
FAA20000123 | (20000123) FS Hearing Conservation Program (HCP) Trainer Refresher Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | WCT |
FAA21000047 | (21000047) Recurrent Aircraft Certification Seminar | SEMINAR | Active | AFS-600 | AFS-600 | ILT |
FAA21000054 | (21000054) Work Tracking System | COURSE | Active | AFS-001 | AFS-50 | ILT |
FAA21000055 | (21000055) Flight Standards Evaluation Program (FSEP) Auditor Training | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-040 | AFS-40 | BRIEFING |
FAA21000075 | (21000075) ASTARS Process and Functionality Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | BRIEFING |
FAA21000085 | (21000085) Turboprop Initial - Flight (Integrated Avionics) | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-60 | BLENDED |
FAA21000086 | (21000086) Turboprop Recurrent - Flight (Integrated Avionics) | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-60 | BLENDED |
FAA21000095 | (21000095) Principles of Evaluation for ASIs - Recurrent Helicopter | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-500 | ILT |
FAA21000106 | (21000106) Developing Yourself and Others | COURSE | Active | AFS-001 | AFS-1 | WCT |
FAA21000124 | (21000124) SAS Implementation Workshop | WORKSHOP | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-900 | ILT |
FAA21000128 | (21000128) Recurrent AFS Field Office Seminar | SEMINAR | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-900 | ILT |
FAA21000134 | (21000134) Principles of Evaluation for Operations ASIs - Helicopter | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-60 | ILT |
FAA21000137 | (21000137) AFS-900 Internal SMS Workshop | WORKSHOP | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-900 | ILT |
FAA21000140 | (21000140) Flight Standards Training: The Process and The System | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WCT |
FAA21000141 | (21000141) CMRIS Overview: RIT, CPS and QMT | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | BRIEFING |
FAA21000142 | (21000142) Smart Leaders, Smarter Teams (SLST) Workshop | WORKSHOP | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | ILT |
FAA21000143 | (21000143) Change for Leaders | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WCT |
FAA21000144 | (21000144) vILT SAS External Portal Review for AFS | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-900 | WCT |
FAA21000146 | (21000146) Mutual Learning Consulting / Facilitation Sessions follow-up to TSFIW training | WORKSHOP | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | ILT |
FAA21000147 | (21000147) AVS Hearing Conservation Program - Trainer | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | ILT |
FAA21000149 | (21000149) Skilled Facilitator Intensive Workshop | WORKSHOP | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | ILT |
FAA21000151 | (21000151) Change Management - Employee Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-001 | AFS-500 | WCT |
FAA21000152 | (21000152) Change Management - Sponsor Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-001 | AFS-500 | ILT |
FAA21000154 | (21000154) Working with People Who are Practicing Mutual Learning | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | BRIEFING |
FAA21000155 | (21000155) Change Management Practitioner Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-001 | AFS-1 | ILT |
FAA21000156 | (21000156) Workforce Development Program Implementation (AFB520) Orientation | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-520 | ILT |
FAA21000157 | (21000157) Change Practitioner Annual Training Workshop | WORKSHOP | Active | AFS-001 | AFS-500 | ILT |
FAA21000160 | (21000160) LEAD for Future Frontline Managers: Initial Gathering Workshop | WORKSHOP | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | IVT |
FAA21000161 | (21000161) LEAD for Future Frontline Managers: Mid-Point Gathering Workshop | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | ILT |
FAA21000170 | (21000170) SAS Phase 3 Practical Application Implementation Workshop | WORKSHOP | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-900 | ILT |
FAA21000183 | (21000183) Formal Flight Training Deviation Briefing - Light Twin Refresher due to COVID-19 | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-060 | AFS-500 | BRIEFING |
FAA21000184 | (21000184) Formal Flight Trng Deviation Brfng-Principals of Evaluation GAOp ASI Helicopter COVID19 | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-060 | AFS-500 | BRIEFING |
FAA21000186 | (21000186) Instrument Flight Procedure Validation (IFPV) Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-400 | AFS-400 | ILT |
FAA21000188 | (21000188) Briefing on Resident String Training Requirements for New, Rehire & Transitioning ASIs | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WCT |
FAA21000189 | (21000189) FS Aircraft Accident Investigation (AAIS) Trainer Refresher Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | WCT |
FAA21000190 | (21000190) FS Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Trainer Refresher | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | WCT |
FAA21000196 | (21000196) Concepts of Safety Management and Safety Oversight | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-900 | ILT |
FAA21000197 | (21000197) Managing Risk in SAS with a System Safety Approach | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-900 | ILT |
FAA21000199 | (21000199) Leadership Interview and Application Review Panel (IARP) Member Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-500 | WCT |
FAA21000210 | (21000210) FS CDOSH POC Radiation Safety Monitoring Process and Management | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-100 | WCT |
FAA21000211 | (21000211) Flight Standards' Leadership Mindset Indoc Course | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WCT |
FAA21000213 | (21000213) FS TCC Briefing - Program Changes | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WCT |
FAA21000218 | (21000218) Assessing Safety Management System (SMS) in the COS | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-900 | WCT |
FAA21000219 | (21000219) Concepts of Safety Culture Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-900 | WCT |
FAA21000221 | (21000221) ACSA Operations and Training Workshop | WORKSHOP | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-200 | ILT |
FAA21063 | (21063) Flight Standards Training Content Coordinator Program Indoctrinations | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-530 | WCT |
FAA21080012 | (21080012) Aerial Ignition Workshop | COURSE | Active | AFB-500 | AFS-800 | ILT |
FAA21800058 | (21800058) Multiengine Seaplane Recurrent Pilot Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800079 | (21800079) CL-415 Amphibious Airplane Pilot Initial Qualification Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800086 | (FAA21800086) Sikorsky SK-70 Recurrent Pilot Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800098 | FAA21800098 Kaman K-1200 Initial Qualification Pilot Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | ILT |
FAA21800102 | (21800102) CL-415 Amphibious Airplane Pilot Recurrent Qualification Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800111 | AW-139 Initial Pilot Qualification Training (FTE) | COURSE | Active | AMA-260 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800112 | AW-139 Recurrent Pilot Qualification Training (FTE) | COURSE | Active | AMA-260 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800115 | Bell 505 Pilot Initial Training (FTE)V | COURSE | Active | AMA-260 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800126 | (FAA21800126) Agusta Westland AW-119 Initial Pilot Qualification Training FTE | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800129 | (21800129) Airbus H145D3 Helicopter Pilot Initial Transition | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800130 | (21800130) Airbus H145D3 Helicopter Pilot Initial Transition FTE | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800144 | (FAA21800144) H-160 Helicopter Initial Pilot Qualification Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800145 | (FAA21800145) H-160 Helicopter Initial Flight Test Engineer (FTE) Qualification Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800146 | (FAA21800146) H-160 Helicopter Recurrent Pilot Qualification Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800147 | (FAA21800147) H-160 Helicopter Recurrent Flight Test Engineer Qualification Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21800148 | (FAA21800148) Advanced Tailwheel Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | OAT |
FAA21850012 | (21850012) G-V Aircraft Systems | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-520 | ILT |
FAA21850040 | (21850040) ADS-B Configuration, Testing and Troubleshooting | COURSE | Active | NA | AFS-300 | ILT |
FAA21850041 | (21850041) Digital Databus Theory & Analysis | COURSE | Active | NA | AFS-300 | ILT |
FAA21850042 | (21850042) AVX-10K & IFR6000/4000 Operations Training | COURSE | Active | NA | AFS-300 | ILT |
FAA24103 | (24103) Enhanced Repair Station Surveillance Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-520 | BRIEFING |
FAA27000052 | (27000052) Overview of the Dynamic Regulatory System (DRS) | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27000055 | (27000055) AVS Introduction to International Aviation | COURSE | Active | AQS-500 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27000056 | (27000056) Representing the FAA | COURSE | Active | AQS-500 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27000066 | (27000066) Aviation Safety (AVS) Hazardous Energy Control Program | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27000067 | (27000067) SAS Activity Recording for AOV | COURSE | Active | AOV-1 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27000068 | (27000068) SAS Management Tools for AOV | COURSE | Active | AOV-1 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27019 | (27019) Ground Deicing/Anti-icing for Airworthiness Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27021 | (27021) Light-Sport Aircraft Categories and Maintenance Requirements | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27025 | (27025) FITS Acceptance Process | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27034 | (27034) Introduction to Authorizing Documents | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27035 | (27035) Introduction to Manual Management | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100003 | (27100003) Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA27100004 | (27100004) Introduction to Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Programs (CAMP) | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100007 | (27100007) General Maintenance Manual | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100008 | (27100008) Minimum Equipment List (MEL)/ Configuration Deviation List (CDL) | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100009 | (27100009) Airworthiness Directives (AD) Management | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100015 | (27100015) Personnel Training Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100016 | (27100016) Airmen/Crewmember Checks & Qualifications | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100017 | (27100017) Pilot Operating Limitations/Recent Experience | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100018 | (27100018) Aircraft Performance Operating Limits | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100020 | (27100020) Appropriate Operational Equipment | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100021 | (27100021) Minimum Equipment List (MEL)/Configuration Deviation List (CDL) Procedures | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100022 | (27100022) Dispatch/Flight Release | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100023 | (27100023) Weight and Balance Control Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100024 | (27100024) Operational Control | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100028 | (27100028) Overview of Safety Management Systems | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100029 | (27100029) Introduction To FAASTeam Program Managers | COURSE | Active | AFS-001 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100032 | (27100032) Introduction to Evaluation of Air Carrier Contract Maintenance | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100033 | (27100033) Calibrated Tools and Test Equipment | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100034 | (27100034) Parts Pooling and Parts Borrowing | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100035 | (27100035) Short Term Escalation | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100041 | (27100041) Aircraft Fueling | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100042 | (27100042) Required Inspection Item (RII) | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100043 | (27100043) Maintenance Facility | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100047 | (27100047) Introduction to Flight Time, Duty Time, and Rest Requirements of Parts 91K, 125, and 135 | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100048 | (27100048) Operator Training Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100049 | (27100049) Introduction to Part 141 Pilot School | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100050 | (27100050) Personnel Qualifications | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100051 | (27100051) Introduction To Cabin Safety Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100052 | (27100052) Introduction to Minimum Equipment List | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100053 | (27100053) Operational Control | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100056 | (27100056) Engine Condition Monitoring | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100057 | (27100057) Engineering/Major Repairs And Alterations | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100058 | (27100058) Parts, Material Control And SUP | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100061 | (27100061) Flight Standards Aging Airplane Safety Rule (AASR) | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100067 | (27100067) Commercial Air Tours Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100068 | (27100068) CAT I, II, III Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100069 | (27100069) Base of Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100070 | (27100070) Recordkeeping | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100072 | (27100072) Extended Operations (ETOPS) for Part 135 Operators | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100073 | (27100073) Station Facilities | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100074 | (27100074) Introduction to Special Navigation Authorizations | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100075 | (27100075) RVSM for GA Operations Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100078 | (27100078) Appropriate Operation Equipment | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100079 | (27100079) Aircraft Airworthiness | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100080 | (27100080) Maintenance Recordkeeping System | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100081 | (27100081) Special Flight Permits | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100082 | (27100082) Evaluation of Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program Training Program | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100083 | (27100083) Introduction to Extended Operations (ETOPS) Maintenance Programs (AC AWS) | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100085 | (27100085) Voluntary Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100086 | (27100086) Maintenance Personnel and Certification Requirements | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100092 | (27100092) Voluntary Reporting Programs for GA Operations Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100093 | (27100093) Safety Programs for GA Operations Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100097 | (27100097) GA Airworthiness Recordkeeping Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100098 | (27100098) GA AW Maintenance Audit Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100099 | (27100099) GA AW Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100100 | (27100100) [Prerequisite] Composite Awareness for the Aviation Safety Inspector | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100101 | (27100101) Public Aircraft Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100102 | (27100102) Selected Part 133 and 137 Authorizations for CAPs, and Class D, and IFR Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100103 | (27100103) Introduction to Airmen and Designees for GA OPS ASIs | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100104 | (27100104) GA AW Operator Maintenance Training Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100105 | (27100105) GA AW Maintenance Facilities | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100107 | (27100107) GA AW Parts and Parts Borrowing | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100108 | (27100108) GA AW Maintenance Providers | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100109 | (27100109) Environmental Concerns in Aviation | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100110 | (27100110) Aircraft Checklists for GA Operations Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100111 | (27100111) Aircraft Performance Programs for GA Operations Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100116 | (27100116) GPS Refresher | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100119 | (27100119) AVS Staffing Tool and Reporting System (ASTARS): Introduction & Overview | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100120 | (27100120) Airmen Duties & Flight Deck Procedures (AC OPS) | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100121 | (27100121) Routes, Airports, and Areas of Operation (AC OPS) | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100122 | (27100122) Flight Time, Duty Time, and Rest Requirements of Parts 117 and 121 | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100123 | (27100123) Cabin Safety Programs (AC OPS) | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100125 | (27100125) Flight Simulator Training Device (FSTD) Qualification | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100126 | (27100126) Contract Crewmember Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100127 | (27100127) Aircrew Designated Examiner Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100128 | (27100128) Hazardous Material Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100129 | (27100129) Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) in 2020 and beyond | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100131 | (27100131) Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) for Air Carrier Operations ASIs | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100132 | (27100132) Part 119 Management Personnel | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100133 | (27100133) Voluntary Safety Programs (AC OPS) | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100138 | (27100138) Air Carrier Ops ETOPS Advanced WBT | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100141 | (27100141) Introduction To Exemptions, Deviations, And Waivers Or Authorizations | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100142 | (27100142) Foreign Air Operator Ramp Inspection | COURSE | Active | AFS-050 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100147 | (27100147) (WBT) Legal Aspects of the FAA Aircraft Management Program | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-60 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100148 | (27100148) Fundamentals of QMS for AFS | COURSE | Active | AFS-040 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100152 | (27100152) GA AW Introduction to Airmen and Designees | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100153 | (27100153) GA AW Voluntary Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100159 | (27100159) The AEG Role in Flight Standards and AIR Activities | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100160 | (27100160) DME/DPRE WBT | COURSE | Active | AFS-600 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100161 | (27100161) Managing Designated Airworthiness Representatives (DAR-Ts) | COURSE | Active | AFS-600 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100162 | (27100162) Intro to Part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools for GA Airworthiness ASIs | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100163 | (27100163) Operator Reporting for GA Airworthiness ASIs | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100164 | (27100164) Aircraft Refueling for GA Airworthiness ASIs | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100172 | (27100172) Overview of Oceanic and International Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-400 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100173 | (27100173) Airworthiness Directives For General Aviation Airworthiness Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100174 | (27100174) Aircraft Airworthiness for General Aviation Airworthiness Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100175 | (27100175) Other Types Of Aviation for General Aviation Airworthiness Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100176 | (27100176) Aviation Safety Technician (AST) Overview | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100181 | (27100181) GA AW Operator Safety Program For New Hire General Aviation Airworthiness Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100182 | (27100182) GA AW Personnel Qualifications for New Hire General Aviation Airworthiness Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100183 | (27100183) Cockpit and Cabin En Route Training Videos | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100184 | (27100184) Limit of Validity Rule Implementation | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100186 | (27100186) Flight Standards On-the-Job Training (OJT) for Aviation Safety Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100187 | (27100187) Orientation to International Aviation | COURSE | Active | AFS-050 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100190 | (27100190) Introduction to Safety Assurance System (SAS) | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100193 | (27100193) ICAO AOC for DG and Senior Management | COURSE | Active | AFS-050 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100194 | (27100194) Introduction to FAA and AFS for ASA's | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100196 | (27100196) NAFTA Operations Process for Issuing NAFTA Letters of Authorization to Operators | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100200 | (27100200) Introduction to Continuing Analysis & Surveillance Systems (CASS) | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100203 | (27100203) Waivers and Authorizations for Aviation Events | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100205 | (27100205) Introduction to External Portal for Certificate Holder and Applicant | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100208 | (27100208) Part 117 Flight, Duty And Rest Limitations | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100211 | (27100211) Introduction to Integrated Avionics Systems | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100213 | (27100213) Risk Assessments for Various Airport Aeronautical Activity | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100214 | (27100214) Data Collection Tool Fundamentals for SAS | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100215 | (27100215) Introduction to External Portal for Flight Standards | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100217 | (27100217) Nextgen:Low Visibility Operations/Surface Movement And Control Systems | COURSE | Active | AFS-400 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100218 | (27100218) Nextgen: Electronic Flight Bag | COURSE | Active | AFS-400 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100219 | (27100219) Nextgen: Data Communications | COURSE | Active | AFS-400 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100221 | (27100221) Provision of Technical Assistance to Foreign Countries and Regional Entities | COURSE | Active | AFS-050 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100229 | (27100229) Environmental Reviews: Issuing OpSpecs | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100231 | (27100231) Understanding the US/Switzerland MIP and MaG | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100233 | (27100233) NextGen: Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) | COURSE | Active | AFS-400 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100234 | (27100234) NextGen: Lower Landing Minima (LLM) | COURSE | Active | AFS-400 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100235 | (27100235) NextGen: Optimized Profile Descent (OPD) and Tailored Arrival (TA) | COURSE | Active | AFS-400 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100240 | (27100240) AFS Professionalism Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100241 | (27100241) Safety Management System (SMS) Fundamentals | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100245 | (27100245) Operations Approval Portal System (OAPS) Familiarization | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100250 | (27100250) Training Center Evaluator (TCE) WBT | COURSE | Active | AFS-600 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100251 | (27100251) AVS Conference Request Procedure Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100252 | (27100252) Aircrew Program Designee WBT | COURSE | Active | AFS-600 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100254 | (27100254) Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100255 | (27100255) Airman Certification Standards Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA27100257 | (27100257) Air Cargo Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100260 | (27100260) Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) WBT | COURSE | Active | AFS-600 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100261 | (27100261) Regulatory Consistency Communication Board (RCCB) Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-001 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100262 | (27100262) Introduction to Developing Yourself and Others (DYO) | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100263 | (27100263) PA-44 Systems And Procedures Review For Light Twin Refresher | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100265 | (27100265) Safety Assurance System (SAS) and Compliance Action | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100269 | (27100269) Orientation to Flight Standards | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100270 | (27100270) Maintenance Provider Coordinated Surveillance | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100271 | (27100271) Principles of Evaluation For ASIs Recurrent Helicopter Systems Review | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100272 | (27100272) U.S.-Singapore BASA-MIP for SAS Peer Groups 145F and 145H | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100273 | (27100273) US-Singapore BASA-MIP for SAS Peer Group 145H | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100278 | (27100278) SAS Certification Services Oversight Process | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100282 | (27100282) The DADE Management Lifecycle | COURSE | Active | AFS-600 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100285 | (27100285) Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) Overview ePub | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100286 | (27100286) Airworthiness Weight and Balance Programs | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100287 | (27100287) Standardized En Route Request and Approval | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100288 | (27100288) FAA Order 2150.3C - Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-001 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100291 | (27100291) Delineation of Responsibilities Evaluating Certificate Holders Weight and Balance Program | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100292 | (27100292) FAA Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) Training | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-200 | WBT |
FAA27100293 | (27100293) Air Traffic Quality Assurance (ATQA) for Airworthiness Inspectors | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100294 | (27100294) Introduction to Illegal Charter Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100295 | (27100295) Authorization/Oversight of Part 121/135 Operators Participating in the CASE Program | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100296 | (27100296) SAS Activity Recording | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100297 | (27100297) SAS Management Tools | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100298 | (27100298) AAA Determination Matrix | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100299 | (27100299) System Safety Concepts and Principles for the General Aviation Community | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100300 | (27100300) LEAD for Future Frontline Managers: Virtual Instructor-Led Sessions | BB-ILT | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | BB-ILT |
FAA27100306 | (27100306) Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Program | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100307 | (27100307) SAS Data Reviewer Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100309 | (27100309) Introduction to Pilot School Certification | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100310 | (27100310) Foundations of Risk-Based Decision Making | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-900 | WBT |
FAA27100312 | (27100312) Initial Certification in SAS | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100313 | (27100313) Professional Pilot Development Rule | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100315 | (27100315) SAS User Office Administration | COURSE | Active | AFS-030 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100316 | (27100316) Flight Standards Service Chemical Safety Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100317 | (27100317) SAS Basics | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100318 | (27100318) AQP Data Analysis for the ASI | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100319 | (27100319) Instructor/Evaluators (AQP) Beyond the Basics | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100320 | (27100320) Surveillance of a Certificate Holders AQP Training System | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100324 | (27100324) Introduction to Change Management | COURSE | Active | AFS-040 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100325 | (27100325) Introduction to ADKAR | COURSE | Active | AFS-040 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100326 | (27100326) Introduction to Leading Change | COURSE | Active | AFS-040 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100327 | (27100327) Thriving Through Change | COURSE | Active | AFS-040 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100328 | (27100328) Investigating Illegal Charter Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100329 | (27100329) Illegal Charters Micro-Training: Fishing Charter | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100330 | (27100330) Safety And Compliance Overview Briefing | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100331 | (27100331) Use of Risk Profile for RBDM in SAS | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100333 | (27100333) Working in the COVID Environment | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100334 | (27100334) Part 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Recurrent - Non-Part 61 Pilots | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100335 | (27100335) U.S.-UK BASA-MIP for SAS Peer Groups 145F and 145H | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100336 | (27100336) Illegal Charters Micro-Training: Cost Sharing | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100337 | (27100337) Illegal Charters Micro-Training: Multiple Dry Leases | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100338 | (27100338) Living History Flight Experience (LHFE) Exemptions | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100339 | (27100339) Standardized Curricula Delivered by Part 142 Training Centers | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100340 | (27100340) Illegal Charters Micro-Training: Interdependency | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100341 | (27100341) Overview OPR, Librarian, Feedback Manager, & Administrator User Roles for DRS | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100343 | (27100343) Illegal Charters Micro-Training: Evaluating Leases | COURSE | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100344 | (27100344) Designee Management System (DMS) for Flight Standards Personnel | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100345 | (27100345) Fundamentals of Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreements for SAS Peer Group 145F and H | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100346 | (27100346) EASA Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG) Recurrent Training | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100347 | (27100347) Aviation Safety (AVS) Confined Space Entry Program | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100351 | (27100351) Leadership Interview and Application Review Panel (IARP) Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA27100352 | (27100352) Introduction to the ADS-B Operational Occurrence Package | COURSE | Active | AFS-400 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100354 | (27100354) US-EASA MAG for SAS Peer Groups 145F and 145H | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100355 | (27100355) Integrated Oversight Philosophy ePub | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100356 | (27100356) Understanding the U.S.-Brazil Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100358 | (27100358) SAS Automation Data Integration (eFSAS Migration) | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100359 | (27100359) Approval and Surveillance of 14 CFR Part 121 Check Pilots (Briefing) | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-200 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA27100361 | (27100361) SPAS Modernization Overview | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100362 | (27100362) Operational Authorization of Integrated Aircraft Health Management Systems | COURSE | Active | AFS-300 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA27100363 | (27100363) ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS OVERVIEW EPUB | COURSE | Active | AFB-400 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100364 | (27100364) Flight Standards Radiation Safety | COURSE | Active | AFS-100 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA27100365 | (27100365) Collaborative Use of Remote Technology | COURSE | Active | AFS-600 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA27100367 | (27100367) Document Storage and Retention in SAS | COURSE | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA27100368 | (27100368) Rotorcraft External Load Congested Area Operations | COURSE | Active | AFS-800 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100372 | (27100372) Basic Obstruction Evaluation (OE) for Flight Standards | COURSE | Active | AFS-400 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA27100379 | (27100379) TSA-FAA Memorandum of Understanding | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-001 | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA28470 | (28470) Gulfstream G150 Initial Pilot Qualification | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-520 | OAT |
FAA30201115 | (30201115) Briefing on Cooperation with the Office of Inspector General | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA30201217 | (30201217) FAA COMPLIANCE PROGRAM BRIEFING | BRIEFING | Active | AFS-900 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA30202853 | (30202853) Introduction to the FAA for Employees | COURSE | Active | AHF | AFS-540 | WBT |
FAA60000265 | (60000265) Flight Program Operations CL60 Differences Recurrent | COURSE | Active | AMA-514 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA60000266 | AJF Module 2J CL-604/05 Differences and New Equipment Training 2023 | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA60000267 | AJW Module 2J Lear 60 Differences and New Equipment Training 2021 | COURSE | Active | AMA-514 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA68000413 | (68000413) CL604 FUSION DIFFERENCES | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA68000488 | (68000488) Global 5000 Recurrent Differences Training | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA68000489 | C-90 AC Differences and New Equipment Training 2022 | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA68000490 | CE-560XL AC Differences and New Equipment Training 2021 | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-500 | WBT |
FAA70000005 | (70000005) Enforcement Information System (EIS) for ASH-Security | COURSE | Active | AFS-500 | AFS-600 | WBT |
FAA70300006 | (70300006) Enforcement Information System (EIS) for ASH-Hazmat | COURSE | Active | AMA-24 | AFS-500 | WBT |